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Golomt Bank Head Office

Type of Project: Office
Surface totale: 2,682 sqm
Lieu(x): Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Region: Asia

Services: Solutions Techniques et Certifications
Certification System: LEED O+M
Niveau de certification: Gold

Présentation sommaire

Golomt Bank is a leading financial institution in Mongolia, providing a wide range of banking services across the country. It is known for its strong commitment to innovation and sustainability in the financial sector.

BEE had the privilege of working on the Golomt Bank Head Office project, achieving fantastic results that aligned with the bank’s environmental goals. Together, we successfully met high green building standards across all categories:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Water conservation
  • Air quality
  • Sustainable management practices
  • Integration of green technologies

This marks the third LEED-certified building in Mongolia!

The bank adheres to a “Sustainable and Green Operations Standard,” which includes green procurement, cleaning, and maintenance practices. It has implemented LED lighting, water-efficient filters, and encourages waste segregation and recycling, ensuring recyclable materials are properly processed at recycling centers to support a more sustainable environment.