71 percent of pet owners frequently sleep with their pets. However, a recent study by the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center found that 53 percent of pet owners said their pet disturbed their sleeping every night. This disruption leads to a break in the human sleep cycle and can create other problems such as depression, anxiety, decreased alertness, memory impairment, high blood pressure, and heart disease. If you’re constantly interrupted by your dog during the night, but can’t seem to kick him out of bed, check out these tips to help the both of you improve your sleep.

Sleeping with Fido
FitBark Activity Monitor
When humans have trouble sleeping, we can go to a sleep doctor or monitor our sleep through activity trackers. Dogs can do the same. The FitBark Activity Monitor tracks the quality of your dog’s sleep and can even monitor their activity level and overall health. You can also sync your Fitbit or Apple Healthkit to your dog’s FitBark to see both of your sleep charts side by side. From here you can work with a trainer or veterinarian to determine when your dog is restless and what you can do to improve their sleep. By improving their sleep, you can improve yours too.
Prevent Snoring
One reason why your pet is influencing your sleep may be because of their snoring. Dogs with broad skulls and short muzzles such as Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers, and Shih Tzus, tend to be more prone to snoring. Other dogs with allergy or obesity issues can also be more inclined to snore during their sleep. In order to relieve dogs from their snoring, you can give them pillows to raise their head during their sleep. Adding a rounded pillow or bed can also encourage them to sleep in a curled position and expand air passages to reduce snoring vibrations. Moisture can also reduce snoring, so add a humidifier in your room, and also vacuum regularly to reduce the amount of dust in the air.
Make Sure the Bed is for Sleeping
Your dog might be disturbing your sleep because he’s restless at night, or simply wants to play. Therefore, it is important that you establish your bed as a place of rest rather than a place to play. You should never have dog toys or treats in your bedroom, and instead, keep those items in a designated play area. Your bed should only be used for sleep and therefore, Fido should not be in the bed at any other time of the day. Before going to sleep, you might also want to take him out for a walk so that he can get tired and ready for bed.
Getting a dog to sleep through the night can be as hard as getting a newborn baby to sleep. However, with the right patience and training, you and your dog can enter the same REM cycle and enjoy a well-rested night.